Freezing after Ativan Nap
Decisions, decisions....When it comes to cancer treatment, it is so important that the patient is at the center of decision making. I have always worked toward this model when advocating for my patients. However, as the patient, myself, I realize why some patients want the doctor to decide. what is the right choice?
A liver biopsy would have confirmed that what we all know is cancer, is really cancer, but more importantly in my mind was that I wanted to make sure it was still the same type of breast cancer and not a more aggressive form. and for genomic sequencing to see if I am eligible for a different pill. I guess it s good that there are so many reasons. However, none of it worked since the radiologist could not clearly identify the small lesion to make sure they put the biopsy needle in the correct place. For that reason , we will wait to do an ablation. I am lucky that my oncologist is reachable and always willing to see me on short notice. Allen and I met with her today and together, we have decided that this liver lesion is small, so we are going to take our chances and leave it alone for now. The treatment has been very effective on my cancer and even on this area that has been growing very slowly. So, we are not going to consider it progression. We will stay on course with current treatment with another scan in 9 weeks.
I am both thankful and petrified , but I have faith and I am Stronger than Cancer....
Linda (Idalina)
Remain stronger than Cancer